Check out the dates below and be sure to add them to your 2025 calendar!
Registration - Now Open!
- Reminder! Early Bird pricing ends on 12/31
Winter Workouts - 1/11, 1/18, and 1/25
- At the Shoreline Spartan Gym for Baseball players registered in Coast Baseball, AAA (Baseball/Softball), and Majors (Baseball/Softball)
- Register Here!
Coaches Meeting (Majors, AAA, and Coast Divisions) - 1/28
Baseball and Softball Assessments (Details Here) - 2/1 and 2/8 make-up
- At Shorewood High School 90' field (baseball) and 60' field (softball)
- Baseball players registered in Majors, AAA and Coast and Softball players registered for Majors and AAA
Parent Meeting (Majors, AAA and Coast Divisions) - 2/25
Dicks Coupon Weekend #1 - 2/28-3/3
Parent Meeting (Tee Ball, A, AA and A/AA Softball) - 3/25
Dicks Coupon Weekend #2 - 3/28-3/31
Jamboree and Picture Day - Saturday 5/3
Seattle Mariners Little League Day - 6/1